Spring Framework

In this Spring Security tutorial, you will learn how to enable Basic Authentication for your Spring Boot project and configure the default username, password and user role. You will also learn how to secure a web service request URL so only authenticated users with a default username, password and role can access it. If you use…

Read More Spring Security Default Username, Password, Role

In Spring Boot 3, the authorizeRequests() method of the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter class has been deprecated. This method was previously used to configure the authorization rules for securing web applications. To secure your application in Spring Boot 3 using Spring Security, you should use the HttpSecurity class and its authorizeHttpRequests() method instead. You can use the authorizeHttpRequests() method…

Read More Migrating from a Deprecated autorizeRequests()

In this tutorial, you will learn what @Scope annotation is and how to use it in Spring. @Scope is a Spring annotation used to specify a bean’s lifecycle. It can be used to define the lifecycle of a bean as a singleton, prototype, request, session, or global session. If you are interested to learn about other…

Read More @Scope Annotation in Spring

RESTful web services use HTTP methods and representations to manage resources. In order to properly handle these resources, it’s important to understand how to define the expected behaviour of an endpoint in terms of the HTTP request and response, including specifying request methods, headers, and media types. By using Spring’s @RequestMapping annotation, we can map…

Read More The @RequestMapping Annotation: A Comprehensive Guide

Spring Framework is an open-source application development framework that provides comprehensive infrastructure support for developing Java applications. One of the key features of the Spring Framework is its support for stereotype annotations, which provide a convenient way to configure and manage the various components in a Spring-based application. What are Stereotype Annotations? Stereotype annotations are…

Read More Spring Boot Stereotype Annotations

This tutorial will teach you what @Bean annotation is and how to use it. The @Bean annotation indicates that a method produces a bean to be managed by the Spring container. It is a method-level annotation that is used to define beans in Spring configuration files. How to use @Bean annotation Here is a simple…

Read More @Bean Annotation Tutorial

Core Spring Framework Annotations are a set of annotations that are used to simplify the development process of Java applications using the Spring Framework. These annotations can be used to inject dependencies, define components, and specify configuration details without the need for explicit XML configuration. Some of the most commonly used Core Spring Framework Annotations…

Read More Spring Core Annotations with Examples

In this tutorial, you will learn how to enable the Actuator’s httpTrace endpoint in Spring Boot 3. In fact, /httptrace has been renamed to /httpexchanges, so this tutorial will teach you how to enable the Actuator’s /httpexchanges API endpoint instead of /httptrace. The httpexchanges endpoint provides information about HTTP request-response exchanges. These HTTP exchanges are essentially…

Read More How to Enable Actuator’s HttpTrace in Spring Boot 3