Spring Framework

Spring Framework is a popular Java-based framework that provides a comprehensive infrastructure for developing Java applications. The framework was initially released in 2002 by Rod Johnson, who was frustrated with the complexity of the existing Java EE (Enterprise Edition) platform. He wanted to create a simpler and more lightweight framework that would make it easier…

Read More Excel in Spring Framework: The Complete Guide

Spring Boot CLI is a command-line interface tool that allows developers to create and run Spring applications without needing an external development environment. This tutorial will teach you how to install Spring Boot CLI on macOS and Windows. Let’s begin with macOS. Installing Spring Boot CLI on macOS To install Spring Boot CLI on macOS,…

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What is Spring Batch? Spring Batch is a lightweight, broad batch framework that builds upon the characteristics of the Spring Framework that enables the development of robust batch applications, which plays a vital role in the daily operations of enterprise systems. Spring Batch provides many reusable functions that are necessary for processing records with large…

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In this tutorial, you will learn about @SpringBootTest annotation. You will use this annotation to write Integration Tests for your Spring Boot application. @SpringBootTest annotation is used to create a Spring Application Context that will be used during the test. It will make Spring Framework scan your application classes and look for different annotations. Depending…

Read More @SpringBootTest Annotation Example

You will use @MockBean annotation to create and automatically add mocks to Spring ApplicationContext. In this tutorial, we will look at different ways you can use @MockBean annotation to create mocks. If you are testing your application with JUnit and Mockito, then there are many other useful tutorials you will find on the Testing Java Code…

Read More @MockBean Annotation Example