
When you start building a mobile app most likely you will need to build pages like user Sign up and once user has successfully registered, you will need to create a Sign in page. I have created many video tutorial how to implement these pages in Swift and if you follow those you will no doubt…

Read More REST API with Java JAX-RS. Create and Deploy to Amazon Cloud.

With this tutorial I wanted to share with you how to configure your Java project and it’s hibernate configuration file hibernate.cfg.xml to use a more professional and production ready connection pool provider C3P0. Hibernate’s internal connection pooling algorithm is rudimentary, and is provided for development and testing purposes. In my earlier blog posts I used…

Read More Configure Hibernate to Use C3P0 Connection Pool

In this Java tutorial I am going to share with you how to create an Anonymous java class and also how to Replace Java Anonymous Class with a shorter lambda expression. Let’s start by creating and interface which we will use in this tutorial. Our anonymous java class will implement a single method defined in this java…

Read More Replace Anonymous Java Class with Lambda Expression

In this short code example I am going to share with you how to concatenate two ArrayList in Java.  Concatenate ArrayList using addAll() function Let’s say we have these two ArrayList(s): List<String> itemsList1 = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(“One”, “Two”)); List<String> itemsList2 = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(“Three”, “Four”)); To concatenate the two lists together we can create a new ArrayList, and…

Read More Concatenate Two ArrayList in Java

It time to learn how to create a Web Service to authenticate user with their user name and password and how to issue a unique secure access token which our Mobile Application can use to send HTTP requests and communicate with protected web services of our API. For a free video tutorial on how to…

Read More RESTful Web Service to Authenticate User and Issue Access Token

Hi guys! Just wanted to share with you a new blog post and that I am about to publish a series of blog posts + videos on How to build…

The post RESTful Web Services with Java for your Swift Mobile Application appeared first on Swift Developer Blog.

Read More RESTful Web Services with Java for your Swift Mobile Application

In this blog post I am going to share with you a way to create a RESTful Web Service to: Create a new user profile, Generate and save in database a user secure user password rather than an actual password provided by user, Return back as a response a custom user profile object(JSON) with information that…

Read More RESTful Web Service to Save a New User in Database

Hibernate is a great framework to use to persist data into a database when building RESTful Web Services for your mobile application with Jersey and JAX-RS. In most of the projects I have participated when designing RESTful Web Services for Mobile App we used MySQL database server and Hibernate framework to store user data which…

Read More Persist Java Object in MySQL Database With Hibernate

If one of you RESTful Web Service Endpoints built with Jersey JAX-RS needs to initiate image download, you can use the following example to let user download an image stored on your server  when they access a certain web service end point. The below example downloads a PNG image specified by @Produces(“image/png”) but you can easily…

Read More Image Download in Jersey JAX-RS

We can use @HeaderParam annotation to read the Request HTTP Headers when building RESTFul Web Services. And knowing how to use @PathParam and @QueryParam annotations, the use of @HeaderParam annotation becomes very obvious. We just use it the same way as we use the @QueryParam for example. JAX-RS @HeaderParam Annotation Code Example. JAX-RS gives us a couple of ways to…

Read More JAX-RS @HeaderParam. Reading Request Headers.