Java Interfaces: Everything You Need to Know

In Java, an interface is a collection of abstract methods that define a contract or a set of behaviors that a class can implement. Interfaces provide a way to achieve abstraction and polymorphism, enabling objects of different classes to be treated interchangeably based on their common behavior.

In this tutorial, we will explore the various aspects of interfaces in Java, including defining, implementing, and extending interfaces, as well as functional interfaces and the use of default and static methods.

By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use interfaces to create flexible and reusable code in your Java applications.

Defining Interfaces

In Java, an interface is a collection of abstract methods and constant variables that define a contract or specification that a class can implement. The interface defines a set of behaviors that a class must implement, but does not provide any implementation details. This allows for greater flexibility and modularity in the design of Java applications, as different classes can implement the same interface to achieve the same functionality in different ways.

To define an interface in Java, you can use the interface keyword followed by the name of the interface. Here’s an example:

public interface MyInterface {
    public void myMethod();

In this example, we define an interface called MyInterface with a single abstract method called myMethod(). Note that we do not provide any implementation details for this method, as it is intended to be implemented by a class that implements this interface.

In addition to abstract methods, interfaces can also define constant variables, which are declared using the final keyword. Here’s an example:

public interface MyInterface {
    public static final int MY_CONSTANT = 42;
    public void myMethod();

In this example, we define an interface called MyInterface with a constant variable called MY_CONSTANT, which has a value of 42. This constant variable can be accessed by any class that implements this interface.

When defining an interface, there are several rules and restrictions that you should be aware of. For example:

  • All methods in an interface must be public and abstract by default, and cannot be final or static.
  • All variables in an interface must be public, static, and final by default.
  • An interface can extend multiple interfaces, but cannot extend a class.
  • An interface can only be implemented by a class using the implements keyword.

By following these rules and restrictions, you can create well-defined and flexible interfaces that can be used by different classes in your Java applications.

Implementing Interfaces

Implementing an interface means providing the implementation of all the abstract methods defined in the interface. To implement an interface, follow these steps:

  • Create a new class that will implement the interface. For example, if you have an interface called “MyInterface”, you can create a class called “MyClass” that will implement it.
  • Use the “implements” keyword followed by the name of the interface that you want to implement. For example:
public class MyClass implements MyInterface {
   // class body
  • Implement all the abstract methods defined in the interface. An abstract method is a method that has a declaration but no implementation. In the class that implements the interface, you need to provide the implementation for all the abstract methods defined in the interface. For example:
public class MyClass implements MyInterface {
   public void method1() {
      // implementation of method1

   public void method2() {
      // implementation of method2
  • Once you have implemented all the methods, you can create an object of the implementing class and call the methods of the interface using that object. For example:
MyClass obj = new MyClass();

Note: In Java, a class can implement multiple interfaces by separating the interface names with commas in the “implements” clause. For example:

public class MyClass implements MyInterface1, MyInterface2 {
   // class body

Extending Interfaces

Extending interfaces in Java allows you to create a new interface that inherits the members of an existing interface. This feature is useful when you need to create an interface that includes all the members of an existing interface and adds some additional members.

To extend an interface in Java, you can use the “extends” keyword followed by the name of the interface that you want to inherit from. The new interface that you create will include all the methods and constants of the parent interface, along with any additional members that you define in the new interface.

Here’s an example of how to extend an interface in Java:

// Parent interface
interface Vehicle {
    void start();
    void stop();

// Child interface that extends the parent interface
interface Car extends Vehicle {
    void drive();
    void park();

In this example, the “Vehicle” interface defines two methods – “start” and “stop”. The “Car” interface extends the “Vehicle” interface using the “extends” keyword and adds two additional methods – “drive” and “park”.

Classes that implement the “Car” interface will need to provide implementations for all four methods – “start”, “stop”, “drive”, and “park”. Since “Car” extends “Vehicle”, any class that implements “Car” will also implement “Vehicle” and will need to provide implementations for its methods as well.

Extending interfaces in Java allows you to create a hierarchy of interfaces that can be used to define the behavior of objects in your application. By organizing related methods and constants into interfaces and using inheritance to create new interfaces, you can create a more modular and flexible design for your Java applications.

Functional Interfaces

In Java, a functional interface is an interface that contains exactly one abstract method. This means that the interface can be used as a functional type, which is a type that represents a single function or method.

Functional interfaces are an important part of Java’s functional programming features, which allow developers to write more concise and expressive code by using lambda expressions, method references, and other functional constructs.

Some examples of built-in functional interfaces in Java include:

  • Runnable: Represents a task that can be executed asynchronously.
  • Consumer: Represents an operation that takes in a single argument and returns no result.
  • Predicate: Represents a boolean-valued function that takes in a single argument.
  • Function: Represents a function that takes in one argument and produces a result.

If you want to learn more about functional interfaces in Java, check out my tutorial on Functional Interfaces in Java. This tutorial covers the basics of functional interfaces and how to create your own functional interfaces.

Default Methods in Interfaces

In Java 8, a new feature called “default methods” was introduced for interfaces. A default method is a method that has an implementation in the interface itself. Before Java 8, all the methods declared in an interface were abstract, and any class that implemented the interface was required to provide an implementation for all of them. This made it difficult to add new methods to existing interfaces without breaking the existing code that implemented them.

With default methods, you can add new methods to existing interfaces without breaking the existing implementations. The default method provides a default implementation that can be used by all the classes that implement the interface. However, the classes that implement the interface can still override the default implementation if they want to provide their own implementation.

Here’s the syntax for declaring a default method in an interface:

public interface MyInterface {
    // Abstract method
    void method1();

    // Default method
    default void method2() {
        // default implementation

In the above example, method1() is an abstract method, and method2() is a default method. If a class implements MyInterface and does not provide an implementation for method2(), then it will use the default implementation provided in the interface.

Here are some key points to keep in mind when working with default methods:

  • Default methods can only be declared in interfaces.
  • Default methods are not required to be implemented by the classes that implement the interface.
  • If a class implements multiple interfaces that have default methods with the same signature, the class must provide its own implementation for that method to resolve the conflict.
  • Default methods can be overridden by the classes that implement the interface to provide their own implementation.

Default methods are a powerful feature that makes it easier to add new methods to existing interfaces without breaking the existing code that implements them. However, it’s important to use them judiciously and only when necessary to avoid making the code harder to understand and maintain.

Static Methods in Interfaces

In Java, an interface can contain both abstract and non-abstract methods. Prior to Java 8, all methods defined in an interface were required to be abstract. However, with the introduction of Java 8, static methods can also be defined in interfaces.

Static methods in interfaces are declared using the “static” keyword and are similar to static methods in classes. They can be invoked on the interface itself and not on the implementing class or object. This is because static methods are associated with the class rather than any instance of the class.

Here’s an example of a simple interface with a static method:

public interface MyInterface {
    static void myStaticMethod() {
        System.out.println("This is a static method in an interface.");

In this example, we have defined a static method “myStaticMethod()” in the “MyInterface” interface. This method can be called using the interface name itself, without creating an instance of the interface:

MyInterface.myStaticMethod(); // This is a static method in an interface.

Static methods in interfaces are often used to provide utility methods, such as factory methods, which can be used by the implementing classes. They can also be used to define common functionality that is shared among multiple implementing classes.

It’s important to note that static methods in interfaces cannot be overridden by the implementing classes. They can only be hidden by defining a static method with the same signature in the implementing class.

In summary, static methods in interfaces are a useful feature introduced in Java 8, which can be used to define utility methods and common functionality that is shared among implementing classes.


Interfaces are a powerful feature in Java that enable us to define contracts or behaviors that classes can implement. In this tutorial, we have covered the basics of defining, implementing, and extending interfaces, as well as functional interfaces and the use of default and static methods. By leveraging the power of interfaces, we can create more flexible and reusable code, enabling us to build robust and scalable Java applications.

As you continue to develop your skills in Java programming, remember to explore the full potential of interfaces and other advanced language features to help you write more efficient and elegant code.

Frequently asked questions

  • Can an interface have instance variables in Java?
    Yes, an interface in Java can have instance variables, but they must be declared as “public”, “static”, and “final”. These variables are implicitly “static” and “final” and cannot be changed by the implementing classes. They can only be accessed using the interface name followed by the variable name. It’s important to note that instance variables in interfaces should be used with caution, as they can lead to tight coupling between the interface and its implementing classes. Therefore, it’s generally recommended to keep interfaces simple and focused on defining behavior rather than state.
  • What is the difference between abstract classes and interfaces in Java?
    The main difference between abstract classes and interfaces in Java is that an abstract class can have both abstract and non-abstract methods, whereas an interface can only have abstract methods. Additionally, a class can only extend one abstract class, but can implement multiple interfaces. Another difference is that an abstract class can have instance variables, but interfaces cannot have instance variables until Java 9, which introduced the concept of private instance variables in interfaces. In general, abstract classes are more suitable for creating hierarchies of related classes, while interfaces are better for defining contracts or behaviors that a class should implement.
  • Can I create an object of an interface in Java?
    No, you cannot create an object of an interface in Java. An interface is a collection of abstract methods, and as such, it cannot be instantiated directly. Instead, you must create a class that implements the interface and then instantiate an object of that class. The object can then be treated as an instance of the interface, and you can call the methods defined in the interface on that object.
  • Can an interface have a constructor in Java?
    No, an interface cannot have a constructor in Java. This is because an interface is an abstract concept and does not have a concrete implementation. Instead, the implementing classes of an interface can have constructors that initialize their own state. Therefore, interfaces in Java are typically used to declare method signatures and constants, but not to define constructors.

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