Author: Sergey Kargopolov

I’m a software developer with a passion for teaching. I’ve written lots of articles for and made plenty of video tutorials on my YouTube channel( If you want to dive deeper, I’ve also got some courses on Udemy( you might like.

When I’m not coding, I love to travel. I also share my travel adventures over at Hope to see you around on one of these platforms!


String comparison is a common task in Swift, and understanding how to perform case-insensitive comparisons is crucial. In this post, you’ll explore the basics of case-insensitive comparison of Strings through practical examples that will help you grasp this essential concept. Basics of String Comparison in Swift In Swift, comparing strings involves determining their order based…

Read More Case-Insensitive Comparison of Strings in Swift

In this tutorial, you will learn how recover from deserialization errors gracefully in your Kafka Consumer Spring Boot Microservice. You’ll see how to use specific settings to ensure that a single problematic message doesn’t disrupt your message processing. By the end, your consumer will be able to skip over errors and continue processing subsequent messages…

Read More Kafka Consumer: Handle Deserialization Errors

In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure Kafka Producer retries using two distinct approaches: The first approach utilizes the spring.kafka.producer.retries and configuration properties to define the number of retry attempts and the delay between them. The second approach involves the and properties to manage the batching time and response timeout…

Read More Kafka Producer Retries in Spring Boot Microservice

In Swift, dictionaries are an unordered collection of paired data or key-value pairs. They are very useful when you need to store data that has a specific association between a key and a value. However, sometimes you might want to remove certain items from the dictionary. In this tutorial, you will learn about different ways…

Read More Remove an Item From a Dictionary in Swift

In a previous tutorial, you delved into the fundamentals of Swift closures, understanding their syntax, and exploring their practical applications. Building upon that knowledge, let’s explore the powerful realm of closures with multiple parameters. Understanding Closures According to Swift’s Official Documentation, closures are functional blocks in Swift that can be assigned to variables, passed as…

Read More Closures With Multiple Parameters in Swift: A Beginner’s Guide

In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of setting up a Kafka Consumer using the @Configuration class and the @Bean method. This approach offers more flexibility and control compared to using the file. Kafka consumer configuration can be achieved in two primary ways in a Spring Boot application: Using the…

Read More Kafka Consumer Configuration in the @Bean Method

In this tutorial, I will guide you through setting up a Kafka Consumer in a Spring Boot application. You will learn how to configure the consumer properties, create a listener class using the @KafkaListener annotation, and how to process messages with the @KafkaHandler annotation. Let’s start with the configuration. Kafka Consumer Configuration in In…

Read More Creating Kafka Consumer in Spring Boot Microservice

When you send out messages in Kafka, it’s essential to know they’ve been received and saved properly. That’s where two important settings come in: spring.kafka.producer.acks and min.insync.replicas. These settings help ensure that your messages are safely stored and acknowledged by the Kafka brokers. In this tutorial, I’ll explain what these settings are, how to configure…

Read More Kafka Producer Acknowledgments in Spring Boot Microservice

In Apache Kafka, the min.insync.replicas configuration plays a crucial role in ensuring data durability and resilience. This setting determines the minimum number of replica copies (or in-sync replicas) that must acknowledge the receipt of a record before the producer can consider the write operation successful. Let’s break this down: Replicas: Think of these as backup…

Read More Kafka’s min.insync.replicas: Avoiding Data Loss

In Swift, a dictionary is a data structure that stores information in key-value pairs. You can iterate or loop through a dictionary to access the keys and values within the loop. There are several ways to achieve this, including using  for-in loops and forEach methods. Using a For-In loop The for-in loop is a simpler way to iterate…

Read More Loop Through a Dictionary in Swift

In today’s tutorial, you’re going to delve into the world of Swift functions once again, exploring a powerful feature: variadic parameters. This tutorial builds upon the concepts you learned about how to Create a Function in Swift, Nested Functions, and Functions With Default Parameters. If you haven’t checked that out, I highly recommend you give…

Read More Discover Functions with Variadic Parameters in Swift

Adding items to a dictionary is easy, but understanding the options and best practices can make your code cleaner and more efficient. This tutorial will guide you through the various ways to add items to a Swift dictionary, from the simplest syntax to more advanced techniques. 1. Add Item to Dictionary Using Subscript Syntax This…

Read More Add Item to a Dictionary in Swift