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In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a console-based Spring Boot application that you can run in the terminal window on your computer. You will also learn to pass command-line arguments to your Spring Boot console-based application. For more Spring Boot tutorials and video lessons check this page: Spring Boot tutorials and video lessons.…

Read More Spring Boot Console Application

This tutorial will teach you how to create a JPA Native SQL Query to only select information from specific columns. You can find many more Spring Data JPA-related tutorials on this site. Some of the most popular tutorials are: One-to-One Mapping Hibernate/JPA Using Spring Boot and MySQL One-to-Many Mapping Hibernate/JPA Using Spring Boot and MySQL…

Read More Select Specific Columns with JPA Native Query

In this blog post, I am going to list commonly used POM.XML dependencies for building RESTful Web services with Spring Boot and Spring MVC. The list of below dependencies is not complete and will depend on the functionality you need your RESTful Web Services to support. But if you are building a simple REST API…

Read More Common POM.XML Dependencies for RESTful Web Services

In this tutorial, we will create a Spring Boot application which demonstrates how we can add and use the H2 in-memory database in our application. You will learn how an in-memory database like H2 can be used to develop a Spring boot application without the overhead of doing DB configuration on your machine and without…

Read More Using H2 In-memory Database in Spring Boot

With this Spring Boot tutorial, I will share how to handle exceptions in your RESTful Web Service application build with Spring Boot. Read the “Handling Exceptions in Project Reactor” tutorial if you use a project reactor. And to learn how to test your code for Exceptions, read the “Test for Exceptions with the JUnit” tutorial. What…

Read More Handle Exceptions in Spring Boot RESTful Service

For a complete step-by-step video course check this page: RESTful Web Services, Java, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and JPA To learn how to build RESTful Microservices with Spring Cloud by watching step-by-step video lessons, please check this page: Spring Boot Microservices and Spring Cloud. What is Spring Framework? Introduction to Spring Boot, Create a Simple Web Service…

Read More RESTful Web Services with Spring Boot REST

In this blog post I am going to share with you a way to create a RESTful Web Service to: Create a new user profile, Generate and save in database a user secure user password rather than an actual password provided by user, Return back as a response a custom user profile object(JSON) with information that…

Read More RESTful Web Service to Save a New User in Database

When building RESTful Web Services for your Mobile app with Java JAX-RS and Jersey you can use any Java Servlet container to deploy and run your final .WAR file. But if you use Jetty then there is a very quick way to build and run your application using Maven and jetty-maven-plugin. Below is a short…

Read More Add Jetty Maven Plugin to Your JAX-RS Project

Create RESTFul Web Services with JAX-RS and Jersey Most of the below code examples have been included in my video course: REST API with Java JAX-RS. Create and Deploy to Amazon Cloud. So you can learn how to build RESTful Web Service either by following the below tutorials or watch video lessons or even both!  :). Create…

Read More RESTful Web Services