Author: Sergey Kargopolov

I’m a software developer with a passion for teaching. I’ve written lots of articles for and made plenty of video tutorials on my YouTube channel( If you want to dive deeper, I’ve also got some courses on Udemy( you might like.

When I’m not coding, I love to travel. I also share my travel adventures over at Hope to see you around on one of these platforms!


In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a UITextView programmatically, position it at the center of the view, change its background color, and dismiss the keyboard when the user taps away. You will also create a UITapGestureRecognizer, add it to the main view, and add the UITextView as a subview. Finally, you will create…

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and customize UITextView programmatically in Swift. Creating and customizing a UITextView programmatically in Swift involves several steps. Here’s how you can do it: Step 1: Create UITextView Programmatically To create UITextView programmatically, you will need to first create an instance of UITextView. This can be done…

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Creating a UITextView programmatically in Swift involves several steps. This tutorial will guide you through creating a UITextView, positioning it at a specific location within a view, centering it, changing its text color, and altering its background color. Step 1: Create UITextView Programmatically To create UITextView programmatically, you first need to create an instance of…

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to check if a UITextField contains a value in Swift. I will cover the following topics: Understanding the isEmpty property. Using the isEmpty property to check if a UITextField is empty. Handling the case when the UITextField is empty. If you are new to UITextField, check out this tutorial: Create…

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In this Swift tutorial, you will learn how to create a UIBarButtonItem with an image programmatically. It will be a short tutorial, but it will cover the following code snippets in Swift: Creating a UIBarButtonItem with an image. Adding the UIBarButtonItem to the navigation bar. Handling the tap event of the UIBarButtonItem. If you are new to UIBarButtonItem, please check…

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In this Swift tutorial, you will learn how to create UIBarButtonItem programmatically without using the storyboard or the interface builder. I will cover topics such as: Create UIBarButtonItem programmatically. How to set the right sidebar button item rightBarButtonItem. How to set the left sidebar button item leftBarButtonItem. How to set target action on UIBarButtonItem to…

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In this Swift code example, you will learn how to create a UIButton in Swift programmatically without using the storyboard or the interface builder. This is going to be a short tutorial with a very simple code example, but it will contain a lot of useful details like: Create UIButton programmatically in Swift, Position UIButton…

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In this tutorial, I will share with you a few code examples on how to work with dates in Swift.  I will use DateComponents to add more days, months, or years to the current Date object in Swift. Let’s start with the basics. The first thing you need to know is that Swift provides several…

Read More Add Days, Months or Years to a Current Date in Swift

In this tutorial, you will learn how to compare strings in Swift. You will learn how to check if two strings are the same. Knowing how to do it is essential, especially when dealing with user inputs and form validations in your own apps. Basic Equality Check: The == Operator in Swift The most straightforward way…

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When you’re coding in Swift, managing strings is a crucial part of the process. One frequent task is checking for empty strings, which becomes especially important for tasks like validating user input. In this tutorial, you’ll learn different methods to check for and handle empty strings in Swift. Comparing with an Empty String in Swift…

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In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to remove all items from a dictionary in Swift. This is a handy skill to have, especially when you’re dealing with large dictionaries and you want to clear them quickly. Step 1: Create a Dictionary First, let’s start by creating a dictionary. A dictionary in Swift is a…

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In this tutorial, you will learn about the retryable and non-retryable exceptions in Apache Kafka. You’ll learn how to create your own custom exceptions and how to register then with Kafka’s DefaultErrorHandler object. To demonstrate how retryable and not retryable exceptions work, I will use the Kafka Consumer Spring Boot Microservice, which I created earlier.…

Read More Retryable and Not Retryable Exceptions in Apache Kafka